Products & Services

Early Career Mentor Group


You're receiving this email because a friend identified you as part of a career mentorship group for young women. At FRONTIER Leadership, we help women realize their worth. We empower women to lead, and the results speak for themselves.

Our niche specialty training offers a highly integrated program for women in leadership, negotiation, career advancement, and entrepreneurship.

Participants advance into rewarding roles, gain promotions and progressive compensation, elevate their language, gain leadership presence, develop robust strategic networks, and receive increased mentorship. We prepare them to make an impact in their organizations.

We believe it is critically important for organizations to establish innovative initiatives to enable a sustainable pipeline of confident women in leadership.

As a young woman looking to enter the workforce and start your career, I'd like to help sponsor your success. 



Kristina Sammut, MAdEd, CMP, Certified Executive Coach
Founder + CEO, Lead Coach
FRONTIER Leadership Inc.
Career Management | Leadership & Executive Coaching


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